Duration of Visits: Approximately 30 minutes.

Maximum number of participants: 20 people per time slot..

Morning 9:00 AM to 1:15 PM (last entry at 12:45PM)
Afternoon 3:00 PM to 20:00 PM (last entry at 7:30 PM)
There are three types of "My Scala dei Turchi" PASSES, which serve as fees for limited access to the site:
  • BLUE PASS € 5,00 For tourist visits, costing 5 euros per person, including insurance.
  • WHITE PASS (Free) € 0,00 - Reserved for residents, differently-abled individuals, children under 12, schools, universities, and scientific activities.
  • GREEN PASS (ALL DAY) € 1,000.00 - This is for TV, film, and photo shoots for advertising or brand promotion, plus insurance coverage.
Comune di Realmonte (AG) |
The Scala dei Turchi is a candidate to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site and It is one of the most popular tourist destinations for both Italian and foreign visitors.
This natural spectacle is located along the stretch of sea between Realmonte and Porto Empedocle (in the province of Agrigento) and It and has been the set for many famous films.
The name Scala dei Turchi seems to derive from the fact that in ancient times the ships of Arab and Turkish marauders found shelter in this bay.

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In addition to what has already been indicated in the general conditions of the iTicket sales site, which will be subject to subsequent and separate acceptance, the following is a list of the particular conditions of negotiation and access to the Scala dei Turchi specifically established by the Municipality of Realmonte with its own resolution

  1. The End User has full responsibility for his/her PASS. Therefore, in the event of loss, theft and/or other cases of unavailability of the PASS, no duplicate can be issued or any refund granted to the End User and the Municipality of Realmonte will not be responsible in this regard for any reason. The End User acknowledges that the procedures for entering the Scala dei Turchi may vary according to the determinations of the Municipality of Realmonte and hereby agrees to comply and act in exact compliance with the procedures that will gradually be communicated by the Municipality of Realmonte through publication on the institutional website. Failure to comply with the entry procedures by the End User referable to the same constitutes a serious breach and legitimate legal action against the same.
  2. The conditions for the acquisition and payment methods of the PASS are described and regulated in Resolution G.M. no. 104 of 30/05/2024 which is called in full. For consultation go to the page:
  3. The Municipality of Realmonte declines all responsibility for any interruptions of the PASS issuing service, in the event of extraordinary events beyond the direct control of the same Entity, including any cancellations, variations or modifications that may be established on the occasion of the use of the site by television crews for commercial or cultural purposes.
  4. The Municipality of Realmonte will publish on its website any changes in the methods of issuing PASSs, access and visit to the Scala dei Turchi and the dates and time slots for possible reservations.
  5. No other methods of issuing PASSES are allowed than those established by the aforementioned G.M. Resolution no. 104 of 30/05241 in particular, the End User undertakes not to acquire, directly and/or indirectly, admission tickets to the Scala dei Turchi through channels other than those provided herein. The Municipality of Realmonte and the iTicket are the only ones authorized to issue the "My Scala dei Turchi" PASS
  6. By paying for the PASS, the End User declares that he or she is fully aware of the fact that access to the naturalistic site of the Scala dei Turchi has its own rules and entry procedures and undertakes to scrupulously comply with them. The End User also confirms that he is aware that the aforementioned rules and entry procedures may be changed by the Municipality of Realmonte at its sole discretion, and assumes the responsibility of promptly informing himself of any changes, which he will naturally be required to comply with in full. To this end, the End User must refer to the updates published on the institutional website of the Municipality of Realmonte, as the only official source, being its precise and exclusive responsibility for periodic consultation. Go to the page of the website of the municipality of Realmonte "My Scala dei Turchi"
  7. The issue and use of the PASS as well as the payment of the fee related to it are governed by Italian law. For any and all disputes relating to the interpretation, execution and implementation of these clauses in any way connected to the implementation of the provisions of Resolution G.M. no. 104 of 30/05/2024, the End User agrees with the Municipality of Realmonte that exclusive jurisdiction is assigned to the Court of Agrigento, with the express exclusion of all other alternatively competent Courts.

Special conditions of sale and access to the event

  1. Any requests to change the date of the tickets may only be authorized by the Organizer and addressed to the same.
  2. Upon completion of the purchase, the tickets will be sent by email in electronic format (print@home) to the email address that you will indicate here in the next step.
  3. The print@home tickets you will receive must be printed (it is possible to use both inkjet and laser printers), they will allow you to access the show directly without the need to make any change, but only a validation of the ticket itself by reading the Barcode or QR on the ticket itself.


Tel: 0863 25 842